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Board Structure

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Logo

The Surrey SAB meets four times a year, consisting of multi-agency statutory and non-statutory partners as well as representatives from voluntary organisations.

The SAB works in accordance with the Care Act 2014 to agree on strategic safeguarding adults work. Provides direction to all subgroups and receives assurances that partners in Surrey are working effectively to safeguard adults at risk from abuse and neglect.

Reviews learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and leads discussions how local practice should change as a result of this learning.

Receives updates from member organisations on their work to safeguard adults and to discuss how partners can support by working collaboratively and efficiently.

Defines the strategic direction and priorities in relation to the planning and delivery of services to adults at risk in order to achieve a consistent and responsive approach to meeting the needs of all adults at risk and to provide a forum for discussion of key issues for Surrey arising from local and national safeguarding adult guidance.

The ASE will ensure that those responsible at a senior level for safeguarding adults in Surrey are appropriately linked into the safeguarding adult’s board, and that there is effective discussion and communication with the SSAB.

Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Decision Panel

Considers SAR referrals, against the Care Act 2014 section 44 criteria.

Chairs Group

Brings together all the subgroup chairs into one meeting, where they are able to raise any concerns and discuss “emerging” issues or “stuck” issues from their subgroup.

Communications Group

Oversees the communication strategy and publication materials of the of the Board in line with the annual communication work plan.

Quality Assurance Group

Tasks partners as appropriate with QA reporting, on receipt they scrutinise the QA data received from partners. Identifying areas of best practice and/ or concern, raises questions on data received to inform the work of the SAB ensuring that the work streams are progressing in line with the direction of the strategic plan and to report back on areas requiring greater support or clarity to the SAB.

Policy and Training Group

Are responsible for the multi-agency policy and procedures and training of the Board and how the SAB can be assured of progress.

Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) and Learning Group

Manages the SAR reviews once they are commissioned and leads on sharing the lessons.

Health Forum

Provides a forum for discussion of key issues for both NHS and private health providers in Surrey. Meetings take place twice a year.

Prison Forum

Provides a forum for discussion of key issues for all Prisons in Surrey. The group meet twice a year to help build better engagement between the SSAB and each prison.

Safeguarding Adults Network

Is a forum of the SSAB to help establish better engagement with all organisations across Surrey. The group will meet twice a year.

District & Borough Forum

Provides a forum for discussion of key issues for all District & Borough Safeguarding Leads in Surrey.

Board StructureSurrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) Board Structure