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Concerned about an Adult in Surrey?

*If you suspect somebody is being abused or neglected, don’t ignore it, report it.
In an emergency dial 999 for the police.*

Concerns of Abuse or Neglect

If you are concerned about an adult with care and support needs, who is at risk of/ or is being abused or neglected you need to report it. To do this, please contact Surrey County Council, Adult Social Care:

Out of hours:

Surrey County Council, Adult Social Care is the initial point of contact that aims to improve the safeguarding response for  adults at risk of abuse or neglect through better information sharing and high-quality and timely responses.

To assist this process the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board are pleased to confirm the release and publication of the SSAB Making Good Referrals of Adult Safeguarding Concerns in Surrey has been developed along with the SCC Adult Social Care Level of Need toolkit, to assist you in making your referral to the appropriate service.

The toolkit has been designed to reduce the number of requests for support and/ or signposting, are now being directed straight to the appropriate local service or to Surrey County Council, Adult Social Care.

A Guide to reporting abuse and safeguarding enquiries

Reporting Low Level Care Quality Concerns

Providers with concerns about quality of care should report it to Adult Social Cares’ Quality Assurance team.

For more information and to report a low level quality concern please visit – Reporting adult social care provider low level quality concerns – Surrey County Council

Information and Advice

Or send your enquiry using the Surrey County Council online form which is confidential and secure for you to use.

Please note emails are secured by TLS .
Please remember that all emails containing sensitive information should continue to be protectively marked.

Feedback to Healthwatch Surrey

Healthwatch Surrey champions the voice of local people to shape, improve and get the best from NHS, health and social care services. As an independent statutory body, they have the power to make sure decision makers listen to your feedback.

Their Help-desk also provides reliable and trustworthy information and signposting about local health and social care services to help you get the support you need. They are part of a network of over 150 local Healthwatch across the country.

How to contact Healthwatch Surrey:

Phone: 0303 303 0023
SMS (text only): 07592 787 533

Share your feedback via their website: Healthwatch Surrey

The Herbert Protocol

Caring for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s can be challenging.
There’s a risk they can at some point start to ‘walk out’. This may only be into the garden or street for a short time, but some people can get lost and go missing so planning ahead to keep them safe is really important. The Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol public poster

Partnership Intelligence

If you have some information which you think may assist other partners, use the Surrey Police Partnership Intelligence form (Partnership Intelligence Guidance). This is not a means for reporting crimes, notifying the police of an imminent risk, or referring safeguarding concerns. It does not replace existing information sharing practices, however it does allow for intelligence to be passed between agencies quickly and efficiently. For further information on this form click here.

Fire Safety

If you are concerned that a person is at high risk of fire, Surrey Fire and Rescue service can offer an Emergency Home Fire Safety visit.
Please complete the online safe and well visit form, where a resident requires an immediate visit and advice.
Advice on making a home safe from the fire service.