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Safeguarding Adults Week

20-26 November 2023

Safeguarding Adults week took place between Monday 20th November – Sunday 26th November and the Board collectively worked with partners to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.

The Board continues to lead and co-ordinate communication and engagement activity
across National Safeguarding Adults Week and during the week, we were able to visit various locations across Surrey to host stalls and meet individuals and enable them to feel more confident in recognising the signs of abuse and neglect and reporting safeguarding concerns. Some activities and events included:

  • Attending the Camberley engagement hub hosted by Action for Carers to disseminate information, leaflets and SSAB merchandise. The event was well attended with over 100 visitors.
  • Collaborating with partners from First Community Health and Care, Surrey Police and the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service organised a stand at the Belfry Centre in Redhill to deliver information and inform residents about the importance of Safeguarding Adults Week.
  • Visiting the University of Surrey to meet students and inform them about the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board and explaining the importance of being able to ensure they are confident in reporting safeguarding concerns.
  • Launch of Safeguarding Adults Easy read leaflets.
  • Videos and resources developed and disseminated with independent specialist college in Surrey.

Themes across the week were set by Ann Craft Trust and to ensure consistency in activity,
key messages were shared by the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board through our social media channels.

The themes were:

  • Monday – Mental Capacity Act
  • Tuesday – Role of the carers (Learning from SARs), Power of Attorneys
  • Wednesday – SSAB Safeguarding Conference
  • Thursday – Trauma informed/Vicarious Trauma
  • Friday – Domestic Abuse/Scams

21-27 November 2022

National Safeguarding Week 2022 took place from Monday 21-Sunday 27 November . The topics for the week were:

  • Monday –Exploitation and county lines
  • Tuesday – Self-neglect
  • Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
  • Thursday – Elder Abuse
  • Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech-Society
  • Saturday & Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life

What we did in 2022

National Safeguarding Week 2022

Suggested Tweets and social media resources
Safeguarding Adults Week ideas checklist
Safeguarding Crossword

Follow us on Twitter @SurreySAB where we will be tweeting daily with both local and national organisations tweets as well retweeting other twitter threads.

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Resources: