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Information for Professionals


Safeguarding Concerns

If you suspect an adult with care and support needs being abused/ neglected or at risk of abuse or neglect, don’t ignore it. Report it to Surrey County Council, Adult Social Care either by phone or by submitting the adult social care safeguarding online referral form to make them aware of your concerns.

Further information including contact details, the Surrey Level of Need Toolkit, and the adult social care safeguarding online referral form, can be found on the link below.

To report a safeguarding concern

Section 42 Care Act – Safeguarding Enquiry

Surrey County Council, Adult Social Care will review the information submitted and work across partner organisations to more fully understand the risks. A Safeguarding Enquiry (under s42 Care Act) will be completed on those occasions when:

  • A person has care and support needs, and
  • They are at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect, and
  • They are unable to protect themselves from the abuse or neglect because of their care and support needs.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) – Section 44 Care Act

If a person with care and support needs has died (or would have died without an intervention), and it is thought partners could have worked together more effectively to prevent their death or serious abuse/ neglect, a Safeguarding Adults Review may be appropriate.

Further information on Safeguarding Adults Reviews can be found on the link below- Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR) – Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (