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Training offered by the SSAB

It is the role of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) to ensure that staff who work with adults with care and support needs are able to effectively and appropriately meet their statutory responsibilities and have received the necessary training.

SSAB Competency Framework

The Safeguarding Adults Board have developed a competency framework and guidance to assist employers to identify the training needs of their staff (including volunteers).

The competency framework provides a standardised approach to the skills and training staff in different roles should have regardless of the organisation they work for. This ensures a level of consistency and aims to improve the skill sets of all staff working with adults with care and support needs across the county.

SSAB Training Programme

In order to offer a wide variety of courses around Section 42 safeguarding enquiries and safeguarding responsibilities our courses are in line with the requirements of the competency framework.

Our training programme runs from April – March each year with new courses continually being discussed and published throughout the year.

Please note that our Adult Safeguarding Essential Course has now moved to the Surrey Skills Academy website. This is to help to bring all training under the Adult Social Care umbrella into one place. Any specific training the SAB offers will still be available to book on our website.

Adult Safeguarding Essentials

What are the benefits?

It raises your awareness and understanding of staff roles and responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of adults. This course includes all aspects of basic awareness and Surrey’s multi-agency approach.

What will I learn?

By the end of the day candidates will be able to:

  • Meaning of ‘abuse and neglect’ in the context of adult safeguarding
  • Identify who an adult safeguarding enquiry applies to and the s42 duties
  • Types of abuse
  • Common indicators of abuse
  • The adult safeguarding roles of Surrey County Council, Surrey Safeguarding adults Board and other partners
  • How Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) works in Practice
  • Response to disclosures of abuse and neglect effectively
  • Correct reporting and recording of adult safeguarding concerns in Surrey
  • The relationship between adult safeguarding, child protection and domestic abuse
  • What happens when a safeguarding concern is reported to the Local Authority

Who is the course aimed at?
This course is aimed at those working with Adults in Surrey including but not restricted to:

  • We welcome all staff from all adult social care settings in Surrey including: Charities, District and Boroughs, Care Homes etc.

To book your place, please visit the Surrey Skills Academy

Contributing to a Section 42 Enquiry (1 day)

Who is the Course aimed at?

This is a Multi-Agency course open to anyone who would be asked in their role by the Local Authority to Contribute to a Section 42 Enquiry.
Representatives from (usually at a supervisory level):

  • Borough and District Councils
  • Registered Managers/ Deputy Managers (Care/ Nursing Homes/ Home Care Agencies)
  • GP’s
  • Health colleagues from Community and Acute Trust organisations.

Aims and Objectives:

By the end of the day candidates will be able to:

  • Understand when s42 duties apply
  • Describe the objectives of an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Recognise how making safeguarding personal works in practice
  • Understand the different roles with an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Begin to understand how and when it is appropriate to professionally challenge other agencies during an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Develop skills to write a good quality adult safeguarding report

N.B All candidates must have attended the pre-requisite course of the Adult Safeguarding Essentials or equivalent before booking this course.


Training provided by Other Organisations

There are a number of other training courses available, coordinated and delivered by partner organisations.
These includes topics such as:

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